Services Involved
Excavate trenches 600mm deep for 100mm diameter street lighting ducts and dispose of excavated material from site, earthworks support to sides of excavations, level and compact bottoms of excavation, backfilling trench with imported granular material Type 1, metal core identification tape bedded in backfill. Form new macadam surface as detailed in specification. Form new sub base Construct lighting column base including excavating pit and dispose of excavated material from site, earthworks support to sides of excavations, level and compact bottoms of excavation, form in-situ concrete base at least 600 x 600 x 600mm or in accordance with manufacturers instruction; casting to mounted lighting column and flexible ducts for cables in base in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Install new ductwork Supply and lay 100mm diameter street lighting duct in trench; bed and surround duct in sand 150mm thick; provide bends, junctions and fittings to ducts to all trenching to supply new columns. Reinstate and form new surface to areas of excavation and works. Allow for new reline markings where existing damaged by works. Run in new power supplies to the lighting. Connect to existing supply point the new system and lighting Provide and install Contractor Designed armoured electrical cabling for external lighting to serve lighting columns and associated light fittings; installed in street lighting ducts in trenches; terminations, connections and fittings; connection to existing car park power lighting system; testing and commissioning in accordance with all applicable regulations and best practice. Install new time adjustable time clock to control lighting times in new control box adjacent to the existing power supply box. Supply and install the following posts and fitting erected in accordance with the manufacturer’s (Luceco or equivalent) recommendations and guidance including brackets and controls and connect new power supply to existing supply